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ThemainreasontoaddalttexttoyourFacebookpostsisaccessibility.Alttextallowsvisuallyimpaireduserswhousescreenreaderstoaccessthecontent ...WhatisFacebookalttext?·WhyisFacebookalttext...·Howtoaddalttext,Addingalttexttooneimage.Hoverovertheimageandclic...

How does automatic alt text work on Facebook?


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Why Facebook alt text is important (and how to use it right)

The main reason to add alt text to your Facebook posts is accessibility. Alt text allows visually impaired users who use screen readers to access the content ... What is Facebook alt text? · Why is Facebook alt text... · How to add alt text

Alt Text and Captions on Facebook

Adding alt text to one image. Hover over the image and click the “Edit” button. Facebook post creator with an uploaded image. The “Edit” button is highlighted.

Add alt text to Facebook images

Click ''ALT'' to open the alt text pop-up. Enter your alt text, giving a brief description of the information conveyed by the image ...

Img Alt Text 是什麼?優化圖片替代文字,提升網站SEO排名...

想知道如何設置圖片替代文字(Imag e Alt Text)幫助搜尋引擎更好地理解圖片內容,提高網站曝 光和搜尋排名嗎?趕快來看看我們優化的方法,一起掌 握如何優化 ...

How do I edit the alternative text for a photo on Facebook?

Change the alt text of a photo you've posted# · Go to the post, then tap on the photo. · Tap More in the top right or tap and hold. · Tap Edit alt text. · You' ...

How does automatic alt text work on Facebook?

Facebook's Automatic Alt Text (AAT) technology uses computer vision and artificial intelligence to automatically create a description of the image.

Facebook 自動替代文字如何運作?

如果用戶上傳或發佈圖像時未包含替代文字,Facebook 的自動替代文字(AAT)技術便會使用電腦視覺和人工智慧自動建立圖像說明。自動替代文字並非每次都能完成,但您可以編輯上傳 ...

How to Add Alt Text to Facebook Page

In Facebook, select the desired image · Hover over the image (a popup appears) · Select Edit · Write your alt text in the box · Select Save ...

Adding Alt Text to a Facebook post

This video offers a quick look at how to add alternative text to a Facebook post. The demonstration includes modifying a published photo in ...


ThemainreasontoaddalttexttoyourFacebookpostsisaccessibility.Alttextallowsvisuallyimpaireduserswhousescreenreaderstoaccessthecontent ...WhatisFacebookalttext?·WhyisFacebookalttext...·Howtoaddalttext,Addingalttexttooneimage.Hoverovertheimageandclickthe“Edit”button.Facebookpostcreatorwithanuploadedimage.The“Edit”buttonishighlighted.,Click''ALT''toopenthealttextpop-up.Enteryouralttext,givingabrief...